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a Win Win Company

Various industrial automation

Our passion for industrial automation and innovation can take us anywhere there is a need. Wherever there is opportunity and demand for automation solutions, regardless of industry.

Diverse automatizări
mai multe automatizări
one Stop Shop

More automation

Dasstec makes technology work for you.

We are ready and open to automate production, transportation, utilities, facilities, operations, information technology.

We improve quality, increase efficiency, optimize processes, improve safety.

Industrial automation.

We are ready for any automation
Basic automation
Basic automation takes simple, rudimentary tasks and automates them.
This level of automation refers to the digitization of work using tools to streamline and centralize routine tasks.
Business process management (BPM) and robotic process automation (RPA) are types of basic automation.
Integration automation
Machines can mimic human tasks and repeat actions once humans define machine rules.
Integrating collaborative robots into human work processes is one of the most common examples in today's new automated industrial processes.
Trends in automation
Migration from physical robots to automation software.
Machine learning and workflow
Machine learning triggers new processes, redirects ongoing processes and makes recommendations for action.
Represents the fusion of machine learning, software and automation tools to maximize the number of automation processes.
Intelligent automation
Artificial intelligence systems will be able to automate robot configurations and use predictive and probabilistic processing to learn and interact.
Intelligent industrial robots
Robots will perform multiple tasks, make decisions and work autonomously, including self-diagnosis and maintenance.
Low or no code workflow
Workflow software that requires minimal or no coding will be a priority to make process automation accessible to the organization.

Diverse automatizări Electronica Dasstec
Volumetrie diverse automatizări
Tablou de automatizare made by Dasstec cu propria electronică
3D Print si alte sutomatizări
PLIGHT 4.0 NOUL Put to light & Pick by Light DASSTEC
Automatizări telemetrie IoT

Latest news and projects of Dasstec

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